Airmen's Pilot/Navigation Survey

AAAI is surveying pilots to learn about their flying patterns, and needs for modernization of the National Airspace System in Alaska.

Do you fly: (Identify by priority: 1, 2, or 3):

Part 91     Part 135    Part 121

Do you own the aircraft you fly?    Yes    No

Do you have an instrument rating?    Yes    No
        If you have an instrument rating, are you current? Yes    No

Do you fly primarily: (Identify by priority, 1 or 2):

VFR    IFR    Both VFR & IFR

What navigation equipment is installed in the airplane you fly? (Check all that apply)
Panel Mounted VFR GPS 
Portable GPS 
Panel Mounted IFR GPS 

What do you use as your primary means of navigation (Identify by priority: 1, 2, or 3):


Other Navigation Means (please specify)


The ADS-B data link system, developed for the use in the Bethel area by the Capstone Program, combines a data link radio with a GPS navigator and Multi Function Display (MFD) which allows pilot to:

(a) see the position of other ADS-B equipped aircraft

(b) receive air traffic services from the FAA, in areas where suitable ground infrastructure is installed and

(c) uplink weather to the cockpit, in areas where suitable ground infrastructure is installed.

Are you familiar with ADS-B data link? Yes    No

FAA is planning to expand the Capstone system on a statwide basis with widespread availability of GPS/WAAS approaches. In order to keep operating costs down, FAA plans to decommision VORs and NDBs, although those used for approaches would probably remain for many years to come.

With Capstone equipment available at a reasonable cost,

    Would you be impacted if the FAA shuts down VOR's?    Yes    No

    Would you be impacted if the FAA shuts down NDB's?    Yes    No


If you answered yes to either question, please explain what VORs or NDBs you use, and how you use them.



Thank you for your time.               


Survey by AAAI
Copyright © 2004 Alaska Airmen's Association. All rights reserved.
Revised: 01/21/05
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